Good leaders of good businesses care about its social responsibilities and impacts on people and the natural environment. The entrepreneurs who can make money from doing good business but who also want to invest time and money into supporting projects that can bring a better quality of life to people through education, enterprise, healthcare and environmental sustainability. But what do you start if want to be a leader or an entrepreneur? Our leadership training program will teach you the skills and self-understanding which you will need to build your ethical leadership capability.
For international businesses, managing the social environment requires becoming increasingly skillful in responding to the cultural sensitivities of stakeholders in local communities where the firm is active. Our cross-culture training will emphasize the indispensable role that training in cross-cultural awareness should play in managerial decision-making if businesses are to succeed in social environments away from their original homes. The failure of many international joint ventures should open our eyes to the specific complexities involved in attempting to manage cross-culturally. When an opportunity for cross-cultural collaboration breaks down, as when international management discovered that their joint venture had been sabotaged by their partner in order to achieve their own business goals, how should managers respond? Through introducing the cultural dimensions of global leadership and corporate behavioral effectiveness research, our cross-culture training course aims to discuss with participants how business leaders can successfully conduct business management in a cross-cultural context.
Fundamental to a sound CSR strategy are measures that discourage corrupt activity, encourage legal compliance and create solidarity throughout all levels of an organization. Implementing these measures in China can be challenging due to the difficulties inherent in understanding and navigating China’s complex legal, political and commercial systems and associated historical norms. We have developed a clear, simple, practical and immediately applicable strategy and collection of principles to operate from when instituting anti-corruption and compliance measures into your workplace.
A good leader will build a good business. A good business will attract good investors. But what do good investors look for in a good business? In particular, what is the most basic value in your business that investors will look for in their due diligence process? Our training program presents a comprehensive overview of due diligence and financial transparency with particular focus on the specific steps needed to implement and carry out these strategies effectively and sustainably.
Moral leadership in business requires a commitment to the integrity of the game of business itself. Being award of your values and how they affect your decision-making and behavior is vital to becoming a good leader. As a good leader, this simply means being a good steward of resources, money, people and the environment and not exploiting one’s position in the company to exploit others personal advantage.
This program is designed to help you differentiate the good/bad leader’s profile and integrate the ideal leader’s character into your leadership. Whether you are a manager, senior manager or top management, whenever you are making a decision or confronting to a management conflict you are to benefit from this training program. Further developing your ethical leader character will be key to your overall leadership. This program will teach you the skills and self-understanding which you will need to build your ethical leadership capability.
With the rapid development of economic globalization, Chinese enterprises are actively participating in global competition and serving the global market under the advocacy of the "Belt and Road Initiative". At the same time, a large number of multinational companies are also actively entering the Chinese market. However, each country and culture is different and, as a result, different business and negotiation skills are required, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding and conflicts with your overseas clients, partners or suppliers. In fact, how to reduce cultural conflicts and adapt your negotiating skills to the local market becomes more crucial.
Through introducing the cultural dimensions of global leadership and corporate behavioral effectiveness research, the training course aims to discuss with participants how business leaders can successfully conduct business management in a cross-cultural context. The training course will focus on different stages of business cooperation process, expound how business leaders build trust in cross-cultural context, how to fully prepare the cooperation process, how to achieve win-win cooperation results, etc., and try to explore with participants how to become a responsible business leader under the premise of abiding by ethics and values in the fierce competition business environment, and help Chinese enterprises master the strategy of transnational negotiation.
Due diligence, Financial transparency, Anti-corruption
A company’s CSR strategy, in particular in its approach to due diligence and policy towards financial transparency, should be mutually integrated with its business development and overall sales strategy. In China, choosing partners, vendors and suppliers to do business with can be daunting. Hasty business decisions in China are the reason so many ventures prove unsustainable and ultimately fail. Therefore, the decision-making process should be informed by the results of a meticulous due diligence investigation and held against predetermined financial transparency standards.
A good business leader needs to come clean on mistakes and value integrity in business conduct. If you want to be in a good company or build a good company then work out how to prevent corruption in your work. Our anti-corruption training courses are attempting to offer a positive outlook on the wisdom traditions of Chinese culture, and assist clients to come up with pragmatic solutions to stick to your values of integrity and honesty.
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