Case study
Case Studies: The Core of Who We Are
Case study research is one of our core research areas. To adhere to a diverse audience of students and business professionals, we have complied a database of case studies related to all areas of CSR. Our case studies are used in online courses, training seminars and workshops, and publications. If you are interested in learning more about our case study research or would like to browse our archive of cases, please contact us at:
We focus on topics such as international business ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, responsible entrepreneurship, cross-cultural management, and more. All of our cases are organized by stakeholder categories (outlined below) and reflective of the Chinese and East Asia business context.
Customer-related case studies deal with the ethics of marketing, consumer rights, advertising, communications, and product quality.
Competitor-related case studies focus on the ethics of intellectual property rights, corruption, collusion, conflicts of interest, and defamation.
Employee-related case studies present the ethics of human resource management, worker rights, working conditions, fair wages, sexual harassment, employment discrimination, and whistle-blowing.
The social environment involves the relationship between a corporation and society. Case studies concern the ethics of apology, business etiquette, information technology, corporate philanthropy, and corporate social responsibility.
Investor-related case studies concern the ethics of banking practices, due diligence, financial transparency, and the idea of an “Investor Bill of Rights.”
The natural environment describes the impact of businesses on the environment. Case studies explore the ethics of managing externalities, such as pollution, waste, and emissions, and the notion of the environment as the “Silent Stakeholder.”